An undergraduate certificate (UGC) is a set of programmatic or thematically linked curricular and co-curricular activities that serves as a micro-credential distinct from majors and minors.
The certificate provides a focused, structured, and interrelated set of experiences that enhances the participant’s expertise in an area of specific disciplinary, interdisciplinary, or thematic topics or that addresses a defined professional development need.
UGCs might broaden participants’ ability to work across disciplines, deepen their ability to work within a discipline, and/or make their individualized academic work more distinctive and demonstrable on their academic record.
UGC offerings should advance MSU’s mission and support its strategic planning efforts. Specifically, the UGC initiative seeks to:
Type 1: Characteristics & Examples
Type 1 Certificates are highly-focused, specialized micro-credentials in an area of study related to a major or minor; they serve MSU students
Type 1 Certificates would typically be offered by academic Departments or Schools for students in specific majors
Admission requirements could be predicated on a certain academic background or knowledge
Type 2: Characteristics & Examples
Type 2 Certificates are broader in focus than Type 1, and they serve a larger audience with less focus on a specific discipline; they serve MSU and guest students
Type 2 Certificates would typically be offered by a degree-granting College or unit in collaboration with APUE and serve student across multiple majors and/or colleges
Type 3: Characteristics & Examples
Type 3 Certificates are co-curricular in design, do not require courses, and serve external stakeholders
Type 3 Certificates might have parallel Type 2 and Type 4 offerings for MSU students, but these Type 3 UGC are designed to serve audiences without enrollment in MSU classes
Type 3: Special Notes
Type 4: Characteristics & Examples
Type 4 Certificates are similar like Type 2 certificates, but they either do not directly relate to content associated with a degree-granting College or provide content that crosses multiple Colleges
They serve a pan-institutional and guest audience , often with focus on professional skills
Type 4 Certificates are offered by APUE in collaboration with relevant campus units
For support with learning outcomes, certificate development, or partnerships with APUE, please contact the Assistant Dean for Global Education and Curriculum Jim Lucas,
For support related to submitted transcriptable certificates through the MSU curriculum process, UCC, and related academic policies, please contact the University Curriculum Administrator Joy Davis,