Assessment Working Group

The MSU Assessment Working Group (AWG) is a voluntary service opportunity for the purposes of building community and collaboration around assessment activities. The AWG shares better practices and data collected across campus in an effort to communicate, to be transparent, and to prevent duplication of efforts in multiple units.

The specific purposes of the Working Group includes the following responsibilities:

  • To suggest communication strategies around assessment practices on campus
  • To collaborate on major directives around our assessment efforts
  • To represent the best interests of the university to the professional assessment administrators on campus
  • To represent the work of the professional assessment administrators to our networks on campus

To be added to the Assessment Working Group Microsoft Team, contact Kari Stone-Sewalish at

I. The Group will be called the Assessment Working Group.  

It is authorized for the 2023-24 AY by the Associate Provost for Enrollment Services and Academic and Strategic Planning.

II. Meetings

The Committee will meet two (2) times each academic year. The Director of Accreditation, Program Review, and Assessment will Chair the meetings with the Director of Assessment for the APUE serving as Chair in their absence.  

III. Purposes

The Committee is created for the purpose of working with assessment on MSU’s campus and shall limit its activities to collaborating, advising, and advocating on matters that directly concern assessment matters.  

The Campus Assessment Working Group will share better practices and data collected across campus in an effort to communicate, to be transparent, and to prevent duplication of efforts in multiple units.  

The specific purposes of the Working Group may include the following responsibilities:

 - To suggest communication strategies around assessment practices on campus

 - To collaborate on major directives around our assessment efforts

 - To represent the best interests of the university to the professional assessment administrators on campus

 - To represent the work of the professional assessment administrators to our networks on campus

IV. Membership

Composition: The Working Group shall consist of self-selected faculty and staff members who work in assessment across campus. Committee members should constitute a cross-section of the faculty and community partners.  

2023-24 AY:  


 - Dr. Dave Weatherspoon, Associate Provost for Enrollment Services and Academic Strategic Planning

 - Dr. Lesa Louch, Assistant Provost for Enrollment Services and Academic Strategic Planning  

 - Dr. Stacia Moroski-Rigney, Director of Accreditation, Program Review, and Assessment, Office of the Provost  

 - Dr. Rebecca Dean, Director of Assessment, OUE


Members will self-select.