Academic Policies and Procedures

Academic Program Terminology 

Academic Program Terminology Chart
Terminology used to describe majors, minors, graduate specializations, undergraduate and graduate certificates, teaching minors, and sub-categories within them as noted. 

Certificate Programs 

Guidelines for Issuing Type 3 Certificates  
Note: To view this document, you must log in with your MSU NetID and password and be an administrative user of this website. 

Guidelines for Undergraduate Certificates 
Guidance for MSU Units Considering an Undergraduate Certificate 

Policy and Procedures
Policies and Procedures for Undergraduate Certificates 

Policy and Procedures    
Policies and Procedures for Graduate Certificates 


Course Formats and Credits   
Formats acceptable for courses offered for credit   

Course Numbers
Definition of various levels of courses  

Course Offerings and Number of Class Sections, Minimum Standards  
Policy on Minimum Standards for Course Offerings and Number of Class Sections 

Course Scheduling  
Requests for Interim Approval 

Interdepartmental Courses  
Definition and Procedures for Interdepartmental Courses 

Regulation for the Deletion from the Catalog
Courses Not Taught in the Preceding Four Calendar Years
Policy on Administrative Deletion of Courses not taught in the preceding four calendar years 

Subject Code Procedure 
Procedure for requesting a subject code 


Dual Degrees, Joint Degrees, and Dual Majors
Guidelines for Dual Degrees, Joint Degrees, and Dual Majors 

Lead Administrative Unit 

Programs sponsored by more than one unit must designate one of the units as the lead administrative unit which will be responsible for submission of program request forms and certifying that students have completed all program requirements.

Linked Bachelor's-Master's 

Linked Bachelor's-Master's Degree 
Allow a maximum of 9 approved credits from the undergraduate level to be applied to a linked bachelor's-master's degree program 


Minors, Policy and Procedures 
Policies and Procedures for Minors 

Name Changes 

Name Change Procedure
Procedure to request a name change in an academic program or an administrative unit 


Graduate Specializations, Policy and Procedures  
Policies and Procedures for Graduate Specializations 

Subject Codes 

Subject Code Procedure