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UG APR Professional Development Plan

The professional development plan for the undergraduate Academic Program Review (APR) process is designed to meet the following goals:

  1. Provide detailed and personalized guidance through the APR process so programs are scaffolded for success
  2. Provide opportunities for cross-campus collaboration in the APR process
  3. Create an infrastructure that later APR coordinators can build upon to create a sustainable professional development process
  4. Reach participating programs with clear, trauma-informed communications about the purpose and process of APR, including:
    1. APR is a process of reflection and continuous improvement
    2. APR is necessary for an accredited, functional university
    3. At MSU, faculty control the curriculum. Therefore, the responsibility to review their own programs is an integral part of their job.


UGAPR Professional Development Workshops

In 2023, at the beginning of the formal revised UGAPR process, professional development that supports and explains its key elements were offered to participants in the first cohort. Those 30-40-minute workshops appear below with links to launch the presentations. Any of these workshops can be requested by individual departments as needed. After this early phase of APR, it may be possible to replace some of these workshops with an asynchronous, on-demand course covering the material.

Overview of the Academic Program Review Process

Facilitator: Stacia Moroski-Rigney, AACC 


  • Why are we doing program review? 
  • Who is involved in creating, presenting, and giving feedback on the review?
  • What are the components of academic program review?
  • Getting started
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Creating Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

Facilitators: Rebecca Dean, Director of Assessment, Undergrad Ed


  • Why should programs have outcomes?
  • What is a learning outcome (and what isn’t)
  • Why use the SMARTE framework?
  • How to facilitate a program-wide conversation about outcomes
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Workshop: Curriculum Mapping

Facilitator: Rebecca Dean, Director of Assessment, Undergrad Ed


  • What is curriculum mapping?
  • How is curriculum mapping connected to PLOs?
  • How can curriculum mapping be included in your Continuous Improvement Plan?
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Workshop: Assessing Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

Facilitator: Rebecca Dean, Director of Assessment, Undergrad Ed


  • What makes a valid assessment? 
  • Creating an assessment plan 
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Workshop: Continuous Improvement Plans

Facilitator: Stacia Moroski-Rigney, AACC and Rebecca Dean, Director of Assessment, Undergrad Ed


  • Why create a continuous improvement plan? 
  • SMARTE plans (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely, and Equity-Minded)
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Workshop: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Facilitator: Rebecca Dean, Director of Assessment, Undergrad Ed


  • Why APR requires Section 3
  • Define Common Terms
  • Explain units’ responsibilities
  • Identify relevant data sets ;
  • Find more information and resources
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