Portrait photo of Sandy Townsend

Sandra (Sandy) Snyder-Townsend


Administration Building
426 Auditorium Rd.
East Lansing, MI 48824-1022
Phone: (517) 353-4450

As the state authorization and distance learning compliance official on the Accreditation, Assessment, Curriculum, and Compliance team, Sandy is responsible for institutional compliance with state and federal regulations governing distance education as well as the reciprocity policies, regulations, and procedures set forth by NC-SARA. This includes ensuring the University has the necessary authorization to offer distance education courses and programs in each respective U.S. state, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories. Her focus is on researching and monitoring state and federal laws and regulations governing distance learning; preparing and submitting applications for state authorization; developing and implementing policies and procedures for compliance; compiling and reporting on distance education data; and training on distance education compliance and data collection. She works closely with NC-SARA, state agencies, administrators, colleges, departments, faculty, staff, and general counsel. Sandy has worked on state authorization and distance learning compliance since 2012.

Sandy is a devoted animal lover and enjoys traveling, particularly to Northern and Upper Michigan and points beyond.